
vendredi, mars 06, 2009


Déjà qu'il faudrait faire tout un marathon pour se procurer unre bière , au Palmy , famille catholique , on fait le carême : même pas de pepsi ou de sprite: c'est le carême . Et c'est tant mieux pour la santé, me direz- vous, parce en plus d'être sains,les jus de fruits frais ici sont évidemment gorgés de soleil et délicieux ! Tout ceci pour introduire cette histoire qui amusera ceux qui comprennent l'anglais.

No alcohol here as we said , and surely not in a catholic family where the lent is very much observed. This is only to introduce this nice little story

Two Jewish men, "Sid" and "Al" were sitting in a Mexican restaurant. Sid asked Al:
-"Are there any people of our faith born and raised in Mexico?
Al replied:
-"I don'tknow, let's ask our waiter."
When the waiter came by, Al asked him,
-"Are there any Mexican Jews?"
and the waiter said,
-"I don't know Señor, I'll ask the cooks.
He returned from the kitchen in a few minutes and said
- "No sir, no Mexican Jews. "
Al wasn't really satisfied with that and asked,
- "Are you absolutely sure?"
The waiter, realizing he was dealing with "Gringos" gave the expected answer,
-"I will check again, Señor!" and went back into the kitchen
While the waiter was away, Sid said,
-"I find it hard to believe that there are no Jews in Mexico. Our people are scattered everywhere."
The waiter returned and said,
-"Señor, the he cook says "No Mexican Jews!"
- "Are you certain?" Al asked once again,
- "I can't believe there are no Mexican Jews!"
- "Señor, I ask EVERYONE," replied the exasperated waiter.
"We have orange Jews, prune Jews, tomato Jews and grape Jews, but no one ever hear of Mexican Jews !!!"

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