
samedi, décembre 16, 2006


The Southern Scenic Route , first touring route in NZ passing through Curio’s bay where we could see some petrified Forest 180 millions years old!!!! was leading us to Dunedin .
Dun Edin means Edin burgh in fact so it is really the Edinburgh of the South caarying the same street’s names and the same look!
Dunedin is the capital of Otago a region that once swarmed with gold prospectors It was New Zealand biggest city in the mid Victorian era . So the town is rich and has the largest concentration of Victorian and Edwardian buildings. Many cities have a square but Dunedin has an octagon( 8 sized centrepiece ) with a statue of Roberts Burns . The university plays a large part in the city and surely during the school’s year the 20000 students help to maintain the town vibrant !
So I was glad to enter “The “ Scottish town and to admire
its architectural grandeur but still the most interesting for me was that we were going to meet there some “real people” as I say . My friend o Julie who lives in New Caledonia and who invited me to share her home when I started the road (see this recent picture of Pablo, Laurent , Sophie and Julie ) had met JO and SEAN Brosnahan in Noumea . Thanks to her they started to follow the granny’s blog and now we were lucky enough to be invited to stay with them , Jean Michel and I when we would reach Dunedin . Some others friends of friends , Hugh and Paulie MacMillan we could also visit ! So I was so excited to experience some real kiwis !

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