
jeudi, février 12, 2009

Lunch à l'ombre

Aiobheann, une amie de Galway qui était à Goa dans un centre de Yoga la semaine passée avec son bébé Oni, 6 mois , m'avait recommandé de ne surtout pas manquer d'aller chez Janet's qui tient un merveilleux café au sud d'Anjuna ,à l'embranchement de la route Anjuna -Baga , le Jam Connection ; Bie,n m'en a pris d'y passer deux heures au calme après la folie du marché . Le meilleur lassi que j'ai bu. En Inde ou allleurs . Notez l'adresse ... pas loin du Orchard store où cette affichette est en évidence !

Thanks to my friend Aiebhaeann Mac Namara who runs the wonderful Némo’s restaurant in Galway City ( Ireland) but is wise enough to come regularly to a yoga center in Goa even ( or even more !) if it is with her 6 months old son Oni. I heard about “Jam Connection” a wonderful place where to have lunch in Anjuna . It is run by Janet , who does believe and we do too, that you are what you eat so you should check what you are eating but here no worries , no need to check : you are perfectly fed . I went there after exhausting myself in that market and enjoyed the place immensely, the warm welcome ( by Janet’s herself ) , the great setting , the green environment, the good chairs and the delicious lassi! On top of that you can use the wireless connection so to morrow I swear that is from where I connect with you ! Next, is the Orchard store , a nice supermarker where I saw this add!!!

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