
samedi, mars 24, 2007


The one thing I really didn’t like and witch let me not at ease is the condition of the Aboriginal People in this country I surely do not know enough to be able to state the situation. But it seems quite terrible. The communication is difficult if even it exists. They do not like our ways. The 2 cultures are so different that maybe there is no possible common ground . We came and distract their ways, we killed most of them without remorse, we bring diseases, guns and alcohol, all what is needed to destroy a race. The English did it. And now 230 years later the State is very guilty (and who wouldn’t be?) and so for the past 30 years it pours money to compensate the spoliation , the many atrocities suffered when the white man despising them , decide to steel their lands, to cut their heads and their trees without knowing much of the vegetation and surely nothing about the respect due to Mother Earth .And nothing either about the value of their old culture The karma could be tough one day .!

Such a little minority surviving to day with, often, no education because they resist attending schools, faces the temptations money brings: alcohol and drugs. Sicknesses and laziness follow. The state of despair seems high. They do not want our lives but can’t get their nomad life back either! They live together as prisoners of our system really , behind their fences … In Alice Springs I found difficult to witness the sense of desperation I saw them in little groups, as errands, dirty and in rags, drunk or stoned by noon , lying on the side of the road .Begging. Refusing the offered eye’s contact. As if: lost and left behind…. May the young generation, thanks to the education provided (if they want!) find the courage to adapt, to forget about their ancestor’s past and to find their own path towards a better future.

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