
jeudi, octobre 26, 2006

October the 26th

I am in Taupo , a lovely town (22000 inhabitants) by lake Taupo , itself a result of an immense volcanic explosion in AD186. Snowy mountains, sparkling rivers, thermal outlets with hot water steam and trouts ....all the features are there to make of this little city a big touristic center The longest river of new Zealand , the Waikato (425 kms) forms the outflow for lake Taupo. It is a great place for any kind of adventures and sports and on top of exploring lake and rivers you can have fun jet boating, para sailing, rafting, canoing, water skying, windsurfing, kayaking, biking, skydiving, gliding, bungy jumping but due to the price I choose not to impress my grand children by throwing myself out of a plane (in a tandem i.e attached to an instructor but still!!!) in order to play free spirit ! And I spend the day at home in the company of Lucie the dog and the cat while Margie was at work from 8 to 5. Washing cloths, ironing, answering e mails the time went fast and Margie found me exactly where she did left me : at her computer desk quite happy with my day .We went out for dinner in a nice Thai restaurant and quickly came back to our dearest occupation . While away i had an e mail from my brother in law, Jean Michel who intends to come for a month soon and I rejoice to have a companion to stroll around the South island which I know we will appreciate even better because we will be able to share .

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