
jeudi, mai 15, 2008

Trader Hotel

Nous essayions en vain de joindre Elisabeth pour lui dire qu’il y a eu un cyclone. Nous partageons un buffet copieux à l’hôtel Trader avec plein d’innocents aux assiettes pleines qui comme nous ignorent qu’un drame se joue plus bas. Rien de spécial à la télé si ce n’est une jeune femme qui lit des listes de noms de village touchés au sud de Yangon en disant, paraît-il – je dois me fier ici à la traduction du gérant - que tout était en bonnes mains.

We went to the Trader a big posh hotel to try and try and try to join Elisabeth and tell her we survived a typhoon and were patiently waiting for her . We had a meal there with many other idiots who just like us knew nothing more. I listen to the TV that night and saw a girl reading a long list of names which to me sounded all the same. I asked the manager what it was all about. He said it was the list of villages hit by the typhoon south of Rangoon and the girl telling each time not to worry the situation was under control. I trusted him and went to bed !

1 commentaire:

david santos a dit…

Really a good post.
I loved this post and this blog.
Have a nice day