
mardi, août 01, 2006

Premier août

Non seulement un nouveau jour , un nouveau mois .Que je souhaite serein pour tous . Marie Claude a organisé at home , Promenade Pierre Varnier, en surplomb sur la mer , un diner afin que je rencontre ses amis proches les plus voyageurs . Délicieux sushami de thon cru, sauce au gingembe , riz, tartes aux pommes maison . Des rires et des adresses . Et puis Kareoke !
I did spend a lovely day ended by a tasty Tahitian type diner with very fresh raw tuna at Marie Claude , Rebecca Perret's friend in her friend Catherine's flat overlooking the sea. They invited who could help me on the way, delivering a prescription ( against paludism) for the Vanuatu or offering some address of their own friends in Fidjis or Papeete. Thank you to all of them for their extreme generosity towards the granny on the road . Posted by Picasa

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