
mercredi, août 23, 2006

More infos on Kava

I went to the Nakamal, the kava bar last night in a funny little lane . It has been drunk for more than 3000 years by the people of south Pacific as a real ceremonial. You have to know when it is ready. That is not difficult. You see the red light (usually a kerosene lantern, here on the picture a red plastic bucket reversed on a bulb!!!You have to approach silently (a bit as for communion in a way!) Loud noises would spoil the effects. So you come quietly , then you choose between a half cup, in fact an half shell of coco ( 4 euros) or a full one ( 5euros : not fair!!!) You buy what you want, and then you go out again, away from everyone and drink it on your own. Better drink it fast as it is very very very bitter. Take the shell back to the counter and take a seat with the other to start to rebuild the world, at least yours, until you have no more senses!!!!
They told me because I was a woman + had a white body, I should have a slice of yam or taro to reduce the effect. But of course I wouldn’t! It is in fact a root of a shrub of pepper ( Piper mythysticum) and in earlier days it was chewed to the pulp by a virgin boy or girl depending where it was in the Pacific. The pulp was then mixed with water. Now it is more often squeezed and pressed by hand. Or even machine.

If you want some it can be bought in a powdered form and advertised as : antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal,anaesthetic, relaxing, soporific, diuretic, anaelgesic, anticongestant …..Full of magnesium, potassium, calcium , magnesium and sodium . Who would resist?

I didn’t and after a while talking ( it would be consider rude not to do so ) I crossed the street half asleep and I thought it was a nightmare when I almost walk on a spider by my bed side ! But apparently the picture let me think it was real!!!
I thought before felling asleep that when I tumble with my weak leg and people so gently smile at me and want to help, in fact they must think I am a kava’s girl!!!!

If the young generations keep this ritual their thumbs may go down without them even noticing it!!!!!The hope of the country…. just chewed and swallowed! Isn’t a pity? They should call back the missionaries (at least the sober ones!) Posted by Picasa

1 commentaire:

Hawaiianmark a dit…

Your adventures are truly amazing.

Great pictures of the Keiki (children)..
