
jeudi, janvier 31, 2008

More children

Ces beaux enfants du monde qui vivent dans des conditions impensables pour nous Européens, qui n'ont rien, pas un jouet autre que leur ficelles, leurs roseaux et leurs bâtons, et l'amitié qui les tient serrés en grappe puisque c'est ainsi qu'ils vivent , me fait réfléchir aux excès de notre civilisation occidentale, au gaspillage que nous connaissons, aux jouets que je vois souvent relégués une fois Noël passé. Des enfance si différentes et pas forcément plus heureuses.

Those children would run towards us, so happy to see some smiling white faces . They wouldn't speak english so it was not easy to speak with them . No TV in their poor houses ( can we call those sheds, houses?) Those kids were playing with straw, rope, reeds when they play...Some were weaving near their mother. I saw in Chiang Maïmany children around 6 and 7 years old ,selling flowers in restaurants , running errands for someone , looking for a taxi for the tourists or for the tourists for the taxi !!!!Think of our western so spoiled children feeding their brain with sugar in front of their playstations ! A different life altogether . Are they happier ? I would hope !

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