
samedi, janvier 19, 2008

The cow project

For my last day in Dhyana Pura I go on tracking the brooms and enjoying a last stroll in the early morning when the beach is still heaven on earth. That evening I had dinner at Sudama's place and was delighted to meet his wife , a college's pal ! who of course went to the trouble to serve me a delicious typical Indonesian diner . I briefly met as well their 2 beautiful children a girl 13, and a boy 11, both involved in traditional Indonesian dances . During the dinner they told me about a clever project they did set up with the help of a retired Indonesian pastor and the help of american sponsors , to help the poorest family of their native villages . Carefully choosen family living in poverty will be given a cow ( cost 350$) or a pig ( cost 58$) to raise . Upon the sale of their animals or offspring the original cost of the animal will be repaid to the program. The farmer will retain 75% of the benefits returning 25% for the administration of the program and the growth of the assets of the fund.3 villages and 17 families have been selected to receive either a cow or a pig depending on the food supply available to the farmer . I thought it was brilliant ans was it an irresistible move from the heart or the fact that Sudama added some palm wine in the coca cola to enhance it considerably, by the end of the meal I had bought a cow !!!! Almost, as I didn't buy the tail.
So if you feel like giving hope like to a very poor and struggling family living beyond poverty level in the jungle north of Bali you can send your donation
to Reverend Arka Ketut 's account N° 145-00-9301088-8 a la Bank Mandari
Denpasar- Bali -Indonesia
A photo will be taken and sent to you of the family you have helped and encouraged.
You could contact for more details the American sponsors Budd and Donna J. Palmberg .
But surely Sudam could be fully trusted .

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