
jeudi, novembre 23, 2006

Grey and Pink

When I was 10 I was adoring my mother of course ( and in fact I still do !) She was wearing a stripped grey and pink suit She had such a slim waist and such pretty leg and I was so proud she was my mum !7 years later she had a big car crash which left her handicapped for life as her leg were smashed but I , in memory of her agility and her elegance I always didi search grey and pink together everywhere so I found here as well !!

And then on the 3rd day , quite suddently a little pink starts to show in the grey .
I was studying the Book on “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life “ by Drunvalo Melchizedec who said that before the fall of the Atlantis, we used "to breath prana directly through a connecting tube running from the upper apex to the lowerpoint through the body's chakras, mains energy's centers .... The pineal gland is located almost in the center of the head which is a huge center of consciousness because inside of it is stored all the sacred geometries and understandings of exactly how the Reality was created.

Pranic energuy sed to flow through the center of the pineal gland This galnd according to DR Jacob Liberman author of "Light, the Medecine of the Futur " looks like an eye , and in some respects it is litterally an eye ball . It is round and has an opening on one portion ; in that opening is a lens to focus light . It is hollow and has colors's receptor inside . Its primary field of view is upwards toward the heavens. Just as our eyes can look up to 90° to the side from the direction they face , the pineal gland can alos "look" as much as 90° away from its set direction. Just as we cannot look out of the back of our head , the pineal land can't look down towards Earth!!! This gland whatever who was the size of a ping- pong ball before the fall is since we breathe now through thenose the size of a dry pea !!!! I was pondering on it when I saw Jean Michel looking as a white teacher in Africa !!!!!

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