
mardi, novembre 15, 2011

Indian Summer : A poem by Ushi

To Anne

"Indian Summer "

All the golden leaves came down.
No more footsteps in the house,
Fini the friendly chats
Of Anne and Uschimaus !

Gray clouds moved in,
Embraced your plane
That took you south
To other waiting friends.

Perhaps,  on different shores ,
We'll meet again.
May you be safe and share your love
Until we ride up-north by train .

Farewell and thanks for sharing
A short while of our lives
For words of kindness on a page
For all the gifts , so caring .

The red and golden leaves
Of Indian Summer you have seen
Are but a symbol of rebirth
Next spring, in thousand shades of green.

 spontaneously  by U.R.  14.11.2011


Ushi à Tahiti déjà, il y a 30 ans, brune pour ne plus ressembler à Brigitte Bardot ! 

2 commentaires:

Baker Street a dit…

Ushi, je t'ai suivie tout au long de ces semaines, tu ne ressembles ni à B.B. ni à une tahitienne, tu te ressembles à toi-même, qui est la beauté même, Anne m'a donné l'envie de te rencontrer.

Je te souhaite le meilleur dans ta vie, dans tes poèmes, qu'ils soient de tableaux, d'écrits ou de soi(e?).

Uschi Ringleb a dit…

This photo was taken by my husband on my 30. birthday in Puna'auia, Tahiti. This is not 3 years ago, but almost 38 years .
Merci, " Baker Street"!
