
vendredi, septembre 23, 2011

Oh Ireland

 I see the power in your glowing sun
And in the foam of your roaring sea
I see the love in  your flowing rivers
And in your colorful flowers
the wisdom I can see

I watch the creativity of the nesting birds
And the intelligence of sounds I never heard
In the softness of your winters
In the grace of your heathers

But in everything , first of all , I see you
 My promised Land
                                                               YOU all the times I see

Unique and whole ....

so beautiful, so strong ,
so bare and so loving
You are the real song
 Of everyday passing

The one who makes me feel the Plan                   
You made the difference
 for me for in my mind
 If once I have been blind
 Now, behind, I see


Past homeland
You made me
franc, glad and free



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