
jeudi, mai 15, 2008

Tuesday the 6th

We had a great massage and felt super serene for the new day ! For the first time we saw some army trucks and army men working at clearing big avenues. Calling from mobile to mobile we manage to talk to Elisabeth ! She and the whole family had been terribly worried . They had not a clue of where we were and was so so anxious . She told us Nargis by hitting the delta has created a tsunami , that there are thousands and thousands of deaths - at least 20.000- and even more disparitions . Famine, Seakness anything can occur . Ambassy was asking people not to travel. Anyway the plznes wouldn't land . French people will probably be rapatriated. So, No she doesn't think she will come under those conditions. We really thought it was a joke . How could this be when we were here and there and knew nothing at all. Informations's retention , that is what it was. We couldn't beleive it possible to such a scale ....

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