
lundi, février 08, 2010


A 7 kms au sud d'Assouan, sur l'île Philae s'élève un temple consacré à Isis , datant du 3ème siècle avant JC qui se trouvait naguère sur l'ïle d' Agika . Philae fut par deux fois victime des barrages . En 1902 il n'avait que les pieds dans l'eau mais en 1970 l'eau lui arrivait aux épaules aussi l'UNESCO entrepris de le déplacer pierre par pierre et délicatement restauré si bien que c'est une merveille à visiter . On doit rejoindre l'île bien sûr en bateau . Le nôtre , une vieille coque de noix eût quelques mal à hoqueter la mini traversée!

On Philae island stands the temple of Isis It used to be on Agika island but after the building of the old dam the temple was swamped for 6 months of the year . Toursuts were rowong among the submerged colums With the completion of the High Dam the temple would have desappeared under the waters if the UNESCO had not decided to move it on Philae island and to rebuilt it stone after stone 20 meters higher . This was done between 1972 and 1980...So Isis kept her sacred site !

1 commentaire:

Philae only temple in egypt a dit…

Philae is an island located in the River Nile.Philae is a small island and it is famous for copious and pleasing ruins, they attrct more tourist. You can see tomb of Osiris.Philae is a amazing place for its special effects of shade as well as lights. Best time to visit Philae is from October to March.